Camping With Dogs: Everything You Need

So you want to take your dog camping but aren’t quite sure what to take? No sweat. After years of camping with our whippet Lolly by our side, we like to think that we’ve perfected the kit list of essential items to make your travels a breeze.

A Tethering System

Most UK campsites ask that dogs are kept on a lead at all times. We’ve found that the Knot-A-Hitch tethering system is a simple way to give dogs the freedom they need whilst keeping them within your pitch at all times. Alternatively, using a stake in the ground (ours is from Pets At Home) and a soft, fabric longline is another way to make sure your dog is secure at all times.

A Practical Harness

Every dog should have a secure, well-fitting harness for camping trips. We love our Flagline from Ruffwear because it’s got a handle on the top to help manoeuvre Lolly over big obstacles and slippy rocks when we’re out on walks. They’re nice and sturdy, and useful in the car too (although they are not crash-tested yet).

Collapsible Bowls & Travel Bottles

We take collapsible bowls for food and water on trips, plus a travel bottle for hikes too. The lighter, and less space they take up the better! We’re big fans of the Quencher bowl from Ruffwear, it folds and fits into a rucksack super easily and is 100% waterproof too.

Warm Blankets & Layers

When those temperatures dip it’s time to pull out the layers. We like to take a good amount of blankets with us on trips away for extra warmth when the evening rolls in.

We also take a couple of jumpers for Lolly too. Whippets have low body fat and feel the cold so we always pack her cotton jersey Wren vest from Occam and a neon long-sleeve jumper from Equafleece.

A Safe & Secure Sleeping Space

If you don’t mind huddling up with your hound at night then grab yourself a Keltybuilt double sleeping bag and snuggle up as a pack. We often share the bed with Lolly at home so it’s only natural that we have her up in the Tentbox with us when we camp. Plus, if you’re camping in the UK you’ll be thankful for the extra heat!

First Aid Kit

Accidents happen, and when you’re camping in the middle of nowhere it’s reassuring to have a doggy first aid kit in the car. We have one from Charlie the Vet that has literally everything from nail clippers and antiseptic wipes to bandages and dressings.

Poo Bags

Seems obvious, but pack more than you think you’re going to need, no one wants to be caught short at the campsite. We get our 100% compostable bags from Butternut Box on subscription - a brilliant way to make sure you never, ever run out.

Take a look at our camping set-up in our reel here.


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